A Haiku: The Collection


"A Haiku: The Collection" by James Moore is a captivating exploration of the art of haiku poetry. In this book, the author skillfully presents a collection of haikus that not only adhere to the traditional 5-7-5 syllable structure but also possess a depth and beauty that transcend the challenges and adversity of his environment in Chicago.

One of the book's greatest strengths lies in Moore's ability to find inspiration and beauty amidst the backdrop of a city plagued by crime and corruption. Through his haikus, the author invites readers to witness the vision and energy he draws from his surroundings. Each poem is a testament to his keen observation and ability to capture profound moments of life, providing a unique perspective on the world as he sees it.

The collection is divided into three books, each touching on multiple subjects and themes. Moore's haikus cover many human experiences and emotions, from religion to prison, love to animosity. The author's versatility shines through as he effortlessly navigates these diverse topics, offering readers a rich tapestry of haikus that resonate on different levels.

With seventy-five poems, "A Haiku: The Collection" presents readers with ample material to delve into. The brevity of each haiku serves as an invitation to pause, reflect, and savor the momentary glimpse into the profound. Moore's ability to convey complex emotions and encapsulate deep insights within the constraints of the haiku form is commendable and adds to the collection's depth.

The author's writing style is concise and evocative, painting vivid images with carefully selected words. Each haiku is a microcosm of emotion, delivering a powerful punch in limited syllables. Moore's ability to convey meaning and provoke thought within this concise structure demonstrates his skill as a haiku poet.

While the book successfully captures the beauty within its haikus, readers may have appreciated additional contextualization or reflections from the author. A deeper exploration of the inspirations behind specific haikus or Moore’s connections with the subjects could have further enriched the collection. However, the book's focus on presenting haikus that speak for themselves still offers a satisfying reading experience.

In conclusion, "A Haiku: The Collection" is a captivating compilation that showcases James Moore's talent for capturing moments of beauty and depth within the haiku form. Through his unique perspective and skillful composition, the author invites readers to witness his vision and experience the world as he sees it. If you're looking for a haikus collection that transcends adversity and captures profound insights, this book is a worthy addition to your literary collection.